Originally Posted by Ray
Yet another testament to how deceiving or downright wrong videos can be, and how a well-meaning "conclusion" might not apply to "your" situation at all.
When I was developing semi-hydroponics, I grew in a warm greenhouse in PA. Now that I am in coastal, southeast NC, and have no greenhouse, I have to contend with very warm, humid summers, and moderate but dry indoor conditions in winter. I have, therefore, limited by collection to plants that can deal with both, and no longer grow my phalaenopsis in S/H due to the evaporative cooling in the dry indoors. My paphs and phrags, on the other hand, are doing great.
Living here in Northern Midwest and in a turn of the century house, would it be feasible for me to do S/H? Or would it chill the plant too much due to the combination of evaporation and the cooler air temperature in the house especially on a very cold day/night below zero (not counting the windchills)? There are days in January/February some winters that it gets mighty chilly in the even in the house with the boiler working overtime trying to keep up.