So I have some issues with this plant and I'm not sure what to do. I left it in a shady place while I was away from July 18-25 because I didn't want it to get too taxed while (hopefully) growing new roots. It was warm and humid in the house (we have no AC and it was getting in the 90s that week). When I returned home, I noticed some leaf-tip browning and yellowing. I marked them to see if they're progressing, and some of them are.
I have been watering with either rainwater or DI, and fertilizing at half indicated strength with an orchid fertilizer, so I don't think it's a problem with salt buildup. Plus, I don't see any precipitate on the top LECA.
It's in a sunnier spot since I got home, next to an open window so it's getting better airflow.
My questions are: 1) should I cut away the bad parts and dust with cinnamon?
2) Should I get something systemic to treat with?
Any advice is welcome. It also has a new 3 inch flower spike. The pseudobulbs are slightly wrinkled, which I expected from its shift into S/H, but just barely, so it seems to be ok on getting water. Thanks in advance!