Pot size for miniatures in S/H
I recently received four new Oncidiums and transferred them to S/H. An Oncidium Tsku Marguerite and Oncidium Hulu Halau Volcano arrived in 3" pots and were transplanted into Ray's 4.5" S?H pots. These are doing well.
Two miniatures, Oncidium cheirophorum and Oncidium croesus, were in 2" pots and were transferred to homemade containers from clear plastic drinking cups with drainage holes 1" from the bottom.
The miniature Oncidiums are suffering after two weeks in S/H with one third to one half of their leaves yellowing. I have transferred them to 4.5" pots and moved them to another shelf with less light in hopes of saving them.
Is there a minimum pot size for miniatures? I think they were drying out excessively and/or the reservoir size was too small. I believe the roots were staying above the dry line in the smaller containers even with daily watering Any feedback would be appreciated.
Growing conditions: Daytime High temps 84F, humidity 45-50%, ventilation from 6" clip on fan, 2200 foot-candles 12" from four T5 HO bulbs, 14 hour day length, 50 ppm MSU fertilizer with each watering.