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Old 06-23-2013, 11:15 PM
Wild Orchid Wild Orchid is offline
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Warming Mats

I saw heatmats as cheap as $15 and sometimes even with Free shipping deal in US (Ebay). You just have to time it right. They get cheaper closer to the winter/spring (after Christmas) time.

I only have experience with placing Phals on the mat.

With the one I bought and without the thermostat,T would rise up to 10 degrees and cause strong evaporation that made roots wet. While some Phals liked it, many rescues with fragile roots suffered the root rot.

So you really have to know your plants and the media and keep a watchful eye on those. I also placed the pots on the paper towel to lessen the heat effect and switched the mat off for the night, even though some advised to keep it on continiously. In my experience, having continiously raised T was rather dangerous to the roots and plants needed a break, just like they do in nature with falling night temps.

Last edited by Wild Orchid; 06-23-2013 at 11:17 PM..
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Old 06-24-2013, 11:07 AM
SJF SJF is offline
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I have been reading this article and thought it might help you. It mentions not putting them near heat sources. There is other great cultural information in the article.

Quick Start - Buying and Growing Your First Paph.
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Old 06-24-2013, 11:54 AM
jeremyinsf jeremyinsf is offline
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Originally Posted by HighSeas View Post
This is actually still in bloom...still in moss...I don't think I've ever wanted flowers to hurry up and fade as much as I do now.
This one looks to have some decent roots BUT its in moss and still in bloom with four blooms.
I think they are getting enough sun...maybe more?
A few thoughts:

In terms of the flower fading and you want it to hurry up - if you are concerned about the plant itself, you can cut the flower / spike off. It may seem drastic, but it's really not. It's taking energy to have the flower there and if you don't care about it any longer, cutting it off will let the orchids energy focus on the plant-part. Use a sterile cutting instrument if you do it.

The leaves are very bright in the photos. They appear to be getting plenty of light.

What's your expectations on roots? Yes, the last plant has a lot in the picture. But many paph's just don't grow roots that way when they are young. The multifloral ones do, but not others.

It could be that your plants are doing just fine? I still don't think the pure lava rock is sustainable though!
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Old 06-24-2013, 02:14 PM
gnathaniel gnathaniel is offline
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Your plants look pretty good to me so I think you're doing something right, just a couple of comments I have on this thread:

I think heatmats primarily stimulate root production by lifting cool root-zone temps back into the range the particular plant likes/needs. Bringing temps warmer than that optimal range probably won't do much if any good for the plant. Most wild Paphs live in somewhat shady locations with their roots in moist humus and litter, probably much cooler than the surrounding air. Ones from more exposed/bright locations (incl. multiflorals and some Parvis) might like slightly warmer roots, but all the info I've read and seen indicates these mostly grow in pockets of moist humus/litter over bedrock that should have more stable temps than the surrounding air, so I doubt cool root temps is an issue for most indoor-grown Paphs. I also doubt you'd see any problems putting your plants on a mat, but you probably don't need it.

Be careful using Pro-tekt, the primary idea behind it is to provide plants with a ready source of soluble silica but there's not much info out there on its efficacy, particularly in orchids. On top of that it's very alkaline (most orchids including most Paphs do best with neutral to acid irrigation water) and adds a lot of potassium, which some think is harmful in excess though this is pretty controversial. Sprinkling diatomaceous earth in pots may make some silica available to your plants without the other drawbacks of Protekt, plus DE helps keep molluscs in check.

You probably don't need KLN, Superthrive, AND seaweed/kelp since they're all doing pretty much the same thing, albeit maybe with varying efficacy for the price. If I had to choose between them I'd stick with the kelp since it's supposed to be more shelf-stable (the others break down fast if not stored cool and dark) and has a wider range of plant hormones. Probably no harm rotating them in moderation, though.

Lava rock should work well for many/most Paphs provided you water accordingly (ie frequently). Lava is pretty similar in properties to LECA, though LECA is considered a superior choice for s/h because it packs more evenly and probably wicks better. Sphagnum is likewise an excellent medium for Paphs with the right watering schedule, it's commonly used mixed with other media but I've seen some great Paphs grown in near-100% sphag.

Cutting the spike on the del x chamberlainianum (Paph Dellaina) is fine but unless a pod is growing then the vast majority of energy was already expended while the spike was growing and bud opening. Spikes/flowers just hanging out on a plant aren't sucking energy beyond the small amount of carbs the living cells need for maintenance; IMO cutting any spike while green more likely TAKES a small amount of energy from the plant by removing photosynthetic tissue and depriving the plant of opportunity to transport carbs and other nutrients back to the rest of the plant. In any case, if the flower is already fading then repotting shouldn't hasten that, Parvis fade/drop flowers pretty quickly anyway.

I haven't personally been keeping Paphs all that long (just a few years) and I definitely don't have all the answers, so you all please don't hesitate to disagree with or disregard anything I've written here!
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Old 06-24-2013, 10:01 PM
HighSeas HighSeas is offline
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Thank you all so much for your input!!!

Jeremy...I think you may well be right about the media I've been using. The Lava rock isn't working well for me as they dry so quickly. While I've read that the media isn't as important because most of what our potted orchids receive in the way of nutrition, comes from the fertilizers, etc., that we give. I found this recipe:

Adult Paph Mix 3 inch pots and up:
6 parts medium CHC
3 parts #4 sponge rock
1 part #2 charcoal
#3 diatomite added on individual basis

Think I'll try it!

SJF...thanks SO much for the link! I LOVE that site and read until my eyes were bleeding! I think part of the reason I'm so paranoid about these Paphs is because I've effectively killed every one I've ever had!

I'd really love to do better this time. I have sacrificed enough for now to the Orchid Gods....

Nathanial...I think you have some valid points. I thank you all for your input!
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Old 06-24-2013, 10:09 PM
jeremyinsf jeremyinsf is offline
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It's cliche', but, don't forget to 'stop and smell the roses'! In this case, give yourself credit for what you have already done and learned along the way.

That mix looks fine. I don't personally use CHC, I use Orchiata bark in place of that. But both work! If you have a local orchid nursery, you might be able to get a pre-made mix directly from them. There are online options too, of course.

Good luck and happy growing.
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Old 06-24-2013, 10:23 PM
HighSeas HighSeas is offline
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Thank you Jeremy!! I'm not a "failure" kind of person so it IS stressful when they go feet up in the pot!

I love Paphs though so I will keep trying!

Do you have any in bloom? Pictures please! I love to see everyone else's success!
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Old 06-24-2013, 10:29 PM
jeremyinsf jeremyinsf is offline
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Originally Posted by HighSeas View Post
Thank you Jeremy!! I'm not a "failure" kind of person so it IS stressful when they go feet up in the pot!

I love Paphs though so I will keep trying!

Do you have any in bloom? Pictures please! I love to see everyone else's success!
I have quite a few in bloom! I'm a bit behind with pictures though. I just updated my avatar to me a photo of my Paph Druryi. It's sort of my own person 'prince of paphs' plant. I will post some others soon. I have a fresh batch just now starting to open as well, including a Druid Spring and Avalon Druid I'm quite excited about!! I just got a 3rd light today (info on that in another thread) and so I will install it tomorrow and take some new pictures.
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Old 06-24-2013, 11:34 PM
HighSeas HighSeas is offline
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What an absolute beauty! You must be so proud of that one!!! Can't wait to see more pics!
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Old 06-25-2013, 01:52 AM
jeremyinsf jeremyinsf is offline
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Here is the full plant:


Yes, I'm very, very proud of it. The plant is over 25 years old. The owner of the orchid nursery I got it from said he had it for at least 15 years and it was at least 10 years old when he got it. The root system (since I know it's your thing!) is amazing. They grow really, really slowly on this species so it's part of what makes it so special. Now hopefully I can maintain it for another 25!

I will get some other pictures together soon.
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