Phal a candidate for Semi-Hydro?
I've been thinking about trying semi-hydro for a couple of months now after reading through threads here on the matter. It seems that I may now have a candidate due to a long battle over the failing roots stemming from under-watering over the summer (2 1/2 months) when I was out of town. I had been thinking about re-potting already as the plant was no longer anchoring in the pot correctly. I finally stopped procrastinating after knocking it off the shelf while vacuuming (I think sub-consciously I knocked it off on purpose) unfortunately what I found was that almost the entire root structure was dry brittle hollowed out husks. As you can see in the photos I have 1 green aerial root and some firm dried brown roots. What you cannot see is that I have 2 brand new little root nubbins. In your opinion as this root system is already compromised and the phal is in active root growth, is this a candidate for semi-hydro? I have clay "hydro-balls" for terrariums I bought awhile back that I believe are the same as clay leca. I would also like to avoid sphag and bag as I have not had the best track record with that method. To top that off I will be traveling a couple days a week for the next 3 weeks so I will not be able to mist anything daily. Your advice is greatly appreciated.
Last edited by Im Just Saying; 11-26-2012 at 01:52 PM..
Reason: Added Photos