Should I? I unexpectedly picked up this Onc. Jiuhbao Gold 'Tainan' AM/AOS when I went shopping today for Christmas decorations. Early Christmas gift for me I guess! Lol. Anyways, I was wondering when it would be the best time to transfer it?
The root system doesn't seem very strong- most of it is mushy- as well as the problem with the wrinkly dehydrated psuedobulbs so should I wait till it loses its flowers and wait for- hopefully- some stronger roots before attempting? And how about for the little baby piece? It had already broken off before I even repotted the mama plant with what little roots still attached.
I'm just not too sure since for right now they are both potted in bark, perlite and charcoal mix now and that dries out VERY quickly near my southern facing window since I have a ceiling fan running constantly near it whereas the leca would maybe increase the amount of water accessible to the plant? I definitely don't want to kill the poor thing by transferring before it has enough energy to adjust.
Please let me know what you think!