I got really excited about s/h recently because I think that I've been underwatering some of my 'chids. I'd like to transfer all of them, but for now I've transferred 5 phals and 1 dendro. All of them except for one phal had new root growth. The one that didn't was a walmart rescue and it has almost no roots. I'd tried sphag-n-bag, but a new root that started to grow got rotted when it was only just a nubbin
Anyway, I figured it was close to dying so it really couldn't hurt to put it in s/h since everything else wasn't working.
Anyway, it's only been about 2 weeks, but I'm really anxious to put the others in there too as they have new root growth and some of them are in spike and I want to do it before any buds start to form. So I'm wondering how long it takes before you know that they're likeing/not likeing s/h.
Another thing is that I'm having a bit of problems with fungus. Should I use a fungicide?