Hi my name is Steve im new to keeping and growing orchids of any kind. Have been collecting and growing since April this year, Have a number of Phalaenopsis, Dendronobium Nobile, Cambria orchids from local garden centers here in Almeria Spain.
Have been interested in Semi-Hydroponic growing method and have created 2 experiments one with a Phalaenposis and the other a Dendronbium Nobile repotted into a home made pint pot with a small resovoir athe bottom with a wick into the resovoir stretching into the upper part of the pot. Pot is filled with clay pellets soaked overnight. Transplanted both orchids and filled the resovoir with a soloution of Extract of Seaweed.
This was back in the beginning of August.
As far as the phalaenopsis is concerned it has produced new leaves from the center and a new plant from a node
which is now almost 1 and a half inches tall and doing well. The dendronobium has a new side shoot which is now almost the height of the original cane.
My question is once the new cane shoot is siimilar to the original, is it advisable to change the liquid feed in the resovoir for some thing different as The instructions for the sea weed extract favors for root growth only.