I was getting ready to repot my cattasetum fimbriatum into a teak basket (filled with sphagnum) so as to let the flowers eventually hang down - the pseudobulbs are due to start growing out again in about a month's time.
However, I was recommended to try a different method which would consist of a s/h method using a plastic coke bottle (2liter size) with some holes about two inches up from the bottom, filled three quarters with Leca and then topped off with regular pine chips, coconut and charcoal. A S/H with a variation, as it were.
Does this sound feasible - or unnecessary to add the potting mix?
Thanks for any pointers.
I don't see any need to add the plant material at the top, unless you are not going to fertilize the plant at all. I know that a lot of South American growers have some unique Catasetinae media mixtures though.
Thanks for the feedback. I also wonder about the use of plant material. It was just recommended by the shop that I buy from and I wondered if anyone else had done this.
Right now I'm torn between straight S/H (dying to try) and a hanging basket which I like..
Having only one flower is tough...maybe I'll just have to buy another one and try both methods..
I say, try both!! Get two plants that are the same age and of the same parents and see how they both grow. That way, you know which way better suits your growing conditions!