Quick update: Both the Phal and Paph were moved to S/H after a soak in a combination of KelpMax and KLM. Since then I've just been using tap water (~220 ppm hardness) to flush the media every other day.
The one good root the Phal had stopped growing, but it just developed a small root nub off the existing root just above the S/H layer -- good news. Its juvenile leaf is also continuing to grow, although it looks a bit misshaped likely due to the stress.
The Paph seems to be doing fine -- I cannot see any new roots but most of the roots aren't visible -- and both the offshoots continue to grow and the larger of the two is just starting to sprout a brand new leaf.
I'll try and snap a few photos when I get a chance.
So far so good....Mike
Last edited by Leadfoot; 09-12-2012 at 05:30 PM..