Flushing salts from Semi-Hydro media
Hello all,
This is my first post on Orchid Board. I have been growing orchids for over ten years, but have only really been paying attention for the last five. Eighteen months ago, with the addition to my world of a daughter and a sudden and long overdue decision to go back to school, I found myself with very little extra time to manage my collection of sixty or so orchids. I decided to switch everything-- from bark, sphag, and mounts-- over to Semi-Hydro. Nearly everything survived, and most things flourished. I water using a pesticide sprayer with the spray nozzle removed, and it does not fill the pots fast enough to fill them to the top. It recently occurred to me that this may lead to salt buildup. This leads me to my question and the reason for my post: Is there a way, after having ignored salt buildup for over a year, to flush the pots? I have begun watering with distilled water every month or two, and the rest of the time I use tap water with a beginning TDS of about 130 ppm, to which I add one-quarter-strength fertilizer.
Thank you, and my apologies for the long-winded introduction.