Actually, foliar feeding in orchids is mostly a waste of time for several reasons.
For one the number of leaf stomata in orchids is very small compared to most terrestrial plants, so the adjacent cells where foliar uptake occurs (I can't recall what they are called at the moment) are few and far between.
Then there's the fact that most of them are on the underside of the leaves.
Most orchid fertilizers use nitrate- and ammonium-based nitrogen sources, rather than urea. They are not absorbed well through the leaves, because the ions are fairly polarized. Urea, being far less polar, is absorbed more easily through the leaves, but cannot be directly absorbed through the root system.
You mentioned that you use a "little" fertilizer with every watering. If that "little" is defined as abut 50 ppm N or more, you're fine.
Last edited by Ray; 04-29-2012 at 07:54 AM..