I had read somewhere on one of these forums about keiki's. I had no idea what they were, and had never heard of them. So, in reading how some members have gotten their orchids to develop keiki's, and also reading about a member who asked if the cut spike that was through flowering was able to grow, I cut the spent spike of one of my mini phals and stuck it in a small clear glass with hydroton and water. This I set on the heat mat with my other orchids (that are all doing awsome under the new chip tech lights from Orchid Web) and low and behold, I have little keike's budding out all along the stem, where those little cup like things are that once had flowers coming out the them!!

It's so cute! Maybe this is old hat to some of you guys out there, but for me, well, it's like getting my first grandchild. (Did I really say that??
