Three New S/H Move-ins
I cannot stand sphag moss-- I'm sure it works for lots of people in lots of different conditions but for me, it rots, turns green and kills orchids faster than my UPS guy, and that's saying something!
So I have moved three new phals into s/h today... all have new growth going but man, I love these plants... I believe I've developed generalized anxiety disorder when it comes to my orchids and planting them in s/h. LOL
I shouldn't worry because I've had great success with s/h so far but in the past few weeks I have had loads of new plants go into s/h and thankfully, my new grow space in the basement is working out pretty well. I'm able to control humidity better, it's the nice 68 at night 75 in the day temp range that my phals LOVE...and yet you never know with these plants. Until now I have focused on standard hybrids and now I'm breaking into some of the more difficult-to-grow plants.
No real question going on here...really just ranting and hoping and looking for some s/h camaraderie. lol
Good thing is, I'm going on a trip for a week this week... everyone will get well watered before I leave and then I'll be FORCED to leave these plants alone! Best thing for them...