Well, i recived my catt 2,5 months ago from Lithuania, i was pretty upset when it came cause it had no roots at all. Ok, only deead ones. I was told that with the next order, i will be recived a new one.
So i was pretty sure this cattleya was a goner. Put it in to SH, and just waited it to dye. But, oooo noooo nonono, this one here had a surprise for me!!! It put out 4 new bulbs, yeah!!! I have no idea from were did it have so much strenght to do so!!! Cause, only root i left where dead and just to support it.
So, here it is!!
DSC0000038.jpg | Album.ee
dets.2011 018.jpg | Album.ee
dets.2011 041.jpg | Album.ee
Sorry, had a problem with pic.
