I had a Bulbophyllum medusae that I tried mounting on an olla (clay jug). What I forgot to mention before was that most of its roots have dried out due to a prior mistake. I just cut out most of the dried roots today (shows what a noob I am).
The bad news is the plant lost 2 leaves, plus half of one more I accidentally karate chopped -- these Bulbo leaves are kind of brittle... Good news is it seems to be on the rebound. It's putting out new roots.
I previously thought the setup might be too wet, since some healthy roots turned soggy in the week after I first mounted it, but this next one dispelled the concerns I had. I guess the plant got used to it.
As you can see, the white thing on the bottom is the plastic saucer. The lower it is on the olla, the more it sweats.
I bought a few more smaller ollas from Arizona Pottery. The way I see it, this is like vertical S/H. Got a plant that needs to be mounted? I think I'm going to try an Aerangis or a leafless orchid in this -- basically any plant that needs high moisture that any other mounting system would just dry it out. The only drawback is these things are sort of expensive unless you can find a local source. Hopefully, since clay is inorganic, it would also last longer than a wood mount, although I do realize that it sitting in a pool of water makes it break down faster (I have to think of a solution for that.)