When to switch to primeagra
Hi there, I have a question about my Onc. Hawaiian Sunset. I purchased it at the beginning of summer expecting to switch it to s/h when it started putting out new roots. I don't like what it's in now, and it is pretty unstable in its current pot. It looks as though it has started to put out a new shoot, which I was super excited about because I haven't had an oncidium bloom for me!!
But while inspecting the new shoot I realized it is also putting out 3 tiny new roots. While I was really excited about switching it to s/h, should I wait until it's finished blooming to make the switch? I really don't want to lose the spike, but at the same time it is so unstable I'm afraid of the new roots breaking once they get longer. What do you think??
Here's a few pictures because everyone loves pictures, right? :-)