Originally Posted by IdahoOrchid
Only about two weeks now so I don't have any conclusive results yet. Only one new plant is doing poorly since I got it but that may not even be the S/H environment but an adjustment. I sure hope that is what it is and that it recovers quickly.
The plant mentioned above is doing well. Its terminal leaf was drooped over and had to be supported to prevent permanent damage when it was received and put in to S/H. It has slowly become able to support itself. Today when checking plants and watering I noticed it has improved to the point where the leaf is able to support itself.
Again, this is NOT a claim that S/H provided the environment to allow this. It IS a good thing though and I am glad that S/H did not cause it to deteriorate.
Most of the plants I have in S/H are now being allowed to have a bit of retained water in the bottom of the pots. Only one, a phrag, does not seem to have had good root response. I may have to unpot and clean it up. Others are still at the point where the roots have not shown themselves either and so I cannot claim complete success although most are showing new leaf growth.