My first attempt with S/H was with glasvases.
I did switch over to plastic after just a short while, becourse the temprature in the glasvases becomes too high, too fast in sunny weather.
Somehow, this vases becomes like a magnifier for the sun, and burns/cocking the roots if you let them stand in a sunny place...
I live in Norway, so the sun is not that hot here, as it is several other places.
The other issue i got pretty fast, was algae. This grows faster in glasvases then in plastic, probably due to the temprature as well.
And the third issue, that i never got to since i repotted into plastic, is when its time to repot becourse of the size of the plant/roots. There is no moving in the glas, so the roots growing bigger, may actually break the hole vase. That does not affect the chid, but its still a shame to loose a nice looking glasvase like that...
I did repot into plasticpots, and use the glasvase as an outher pot where i put the water. Like this, the air around the plasticpot inside will cool down the temprature inside, and you dont have to worry about the roots breaking the vase.
Algae is still an issue, but i have desided to just let it stay. It doesent harm the chid, and with the outher glaspot, its not that visible either.
And another good effect, is that is raises the humidity around the chid since the water evaporates both inside the plasticpot as well as in the outher glasvase.
And it still looks nice.