Originally Posted by AndreasDK
Thank you Carol :-)
I just picked up a Phal., some small LECA balls and a glazed ceramic outer pot that has a kind of ring in the bottom, so that the inner pot hangs suspended.
If I use the gap between the bottoms of the two pots as a reservoir and let i evaporate up through the LECA will that work, or does the LECA have to be all the way into the reservoir?
I use this sort of thing for S/H BUT just as Ray has said the water needs to be deep enough to cover the bottom few layers of the lecca. My outer pots are semi-opaque so I can see the water line. I usually poor water in to the rim when watering, then poor most of it out 5min later, topping up to my desired water line, which always coveres arround 2 layers of the lecca in the inner pot.
It seems to work well for me and I have several plants in that setup which are growing like crazy, their roots always green and all the new roots growing fat and green.