How does everyone think flasklings will do in a S/H setup? I would think they should take off fine,due to the fact they have been in a "wet" medium for the life of the plants so far. Right now that seems to be the most feasible way for me to do this. Also....Hydroton is rather large for flasklings, Would Vermiculite work? Or will it leave a residue or allow for easier growth of fungus/bacteria?
Thanks all
As long as everything is nice and clean from the start, and you are successful with this growing style, I don't see any problems.
I think vermiculite may retain too much moisture. I've seen some pictures here of seedlings in 100% pearlite that have been grown in a full hydro setup and the roots looked incredible.
I have tried 100% perlite S/H for flasklings and it didn’t work too well but then again neither did anything else. I did get better results with sphagnum moss. One of the problems I had was that the perlite floats so much that when i would water the plants would sink. I still have plenty of 1/4in. perlite so I may try it again at some point.