I decided to repot my Encyclia cochleata (or whatever the current name is) today. I made the decision because it has a new growth which has two tiny (less than 1mm each) root nubs on the new growth and they new growth was over the edge of the pot with no space for the roots to grow into it.

The root mass was solid and really in need or repotting... however I ended up breaking a lot of the roots and arround 1/3 of them broke away completely. I hope they will be OK because there were some good ones left which also have the odd root tips growing (small branching from existing roots).
Anyway, as a last minute decision I decided to put it back up in Hydroton. Now I am not sure if I should switch to S/H at this stage based on the brand new roots on the new growth, or whether these two tiny ones, at this time of year, may not be enough.
All my S/H experiments have done best with an external resevoir in an outer cover pot rather than with the resevoir in the same pot... and so I can very easily growth this either in a standard way, or in a S/H way.
Anyone got any opinions on which way I should try and grow it at this point?