Phals in S/H not yet established but spiking... should I stop them
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Phals in S/H not yet established but spiking... should I stop them
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Old 08-23-2010, 06:02 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Default Phals in S/H not yet established but spiking... should I stop them

About a month ago I moved a couple of Phals to S/H and they are not yet really established (although new roots have been growing). This is part of my first experimenting with S/H.

Today I noticed that they are both just starting to spike (we have had a cool spell which I think triggered it).

I'm not confident in the root systems of these plants. Currently they still have the old root system, most of which is still intact but I'm expecting this to start dying off and while new roots are growing they are not established in the S/H yet.

Should I remove the spikes to try and get them to concentrate on roots, or should I let them spike
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Old 08-23-2010, 10:00 AM
TylerK TylerK is offline
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If your roots haven't rotted in a month, they might not rot at all. In my experience so far, if they're going to rot there is significant noticeable decay within a week or two. I've put a few Phals into s/h and they didn't blink at all - the original older roots did not rot, and even started branching within a couple months. If it were me, and it was a plant I was experimenting with anyway, I would just let the spikes grow to see what happens.

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Old 08-23-2010, 10:19 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Thanks Tyler.

Interesting. I can see growth tips at the end of long old roots still, but I thought they would give up and die soon... good to know they may not.

I can see the odd root that's looking iffy, but most are doing fine still. These are test plants that I don't care so much about so I think I'll just let them spike and see how they go.

My best success so far in my S/H experiment is a NoID Zygo which had NO roots and was almost dead. I put it in S/H when I saw the first sign of new root growth on a tiny tiny lead growth and it seems to be loving it. Roots still tiny but diving down into the lecca and the lead growth is really taking off
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Old 08-23-2010, 03:17 PM
Pilot Pilot is offline
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Phals in S/H not yet established but spiking... should I stop them Male

I agree with Tyler-- the roots will rot quickly if they ever mean to. If your phals were grown in moss, there is a high probability that they will do just fine. I have several phals that didn't blink either when put into s/h that were potted previously in moss. The belief is, if the roots already grew in a wet environment, the s/h isn't much different.

If I were you I'd leave the plant to its own ways. You always have the option of chopping the spike later. But if you chop it now, you may needlessly lose blooms.
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Old 08-23-2010, 03:22 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Thanks Ryan,

I had heard that about ones grown in Moss before but these came out of bark. Almost all the roots on both (as well as the third Phal I've tried in S/H) are still a nice green (all the time since being in S/H) and seem happy still.

As you say, I will still have the option to cut the spike if they start going downhill so I'll just keep a watch on them and see what happens.

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Old 08-26-2010, 05:28 PM
tucker85 tucker85 is offline
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I would never stop an orchid that wanted to bloom. Enjoy!
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Old 08-27-2010, 11:01 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Thanks Tucker. I actually have in the past with one that have very little roots and was struggling and very dehydrated... but still tried to spike 2 or 3 times.

These plants seem healthy though so I'm letting them get on with it
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established, growing, phals, roots, s/h, spike, spiking, stop

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