Hi. I just wanted to share my latest s/h project with the forum. First my thanks to the forum and for all of the great information

. I am new the forum and to orchid growing in general. This forum has been a great resource. My helper and I transferred a Dendrobium Burana Fancy that was badly root bound in spagh to s/h. I followed the information on First Ray's and prepped the Primagra following Ray's directions.The Den had two keiki's with over 2 inch long roots. It was done with its flowers and they had all dropped off. It wound up taking us almost 3 hours to clean up the plant, and transfer all three separate plants into s/h. The roots were so entwined and most were dead. The keiki's are healthy, but I am concerned about the mother plant. I am hoping the transfer from wet spagh to s/h will lessen the transplant shock. I have several questions and would like to poll the group about fertilizing, and the amount of time to keep the plant in low light to help the roots take off (I am using a heat mat). Do I fertilize (using MSU with rainwater) right away, or withhold the fertilizer for awhile? Also how long do you keep the plant in low light? Thanks for any suggestions. I will post with any updates.