Hi everyone,
I'm very excited as I just received two mini catts (lc mini purple 'Blau' x (C intermedia x L. Perrrinii) 'Blau' and S1 Psyche x Ctna Why Not.
Both have new pseudobulb growth and I'm wondering if when the growth matures if that is when they will grow new roots as I'm trying to time their transfer into S/H (one of the plants is bifolate and the other is unifolate).
Also, the grower suggested repotting the Mini purple blau into the same pot with fresh media. I'm wonder if it would be a better idea to put it into s/h right now (maybe together with the other plant as I tend to kill anything potted in bark T_T) with bottom heat and a superthrive soak/drench too? I think that I'm jumping the gun though...
I'd love to hear your thoughts

Thank you!