Ooh! I soaked the roots and the hydroton on dilute superthrive a few days ago, put it on a seedling heat mat and it looks like the old roots are starting to branch

!! There are tons of little raised root dots coming out all over (very thickly) from the old roots.(I made sure to check that it wasn't scale or fungus) I'm so excited and it's just in the nick of time as one or two of the smaller/older leaves have fallen and most of the other roots have rotted. It also had some mould/fungus in the center of the plant when I unpotted it so I did a drench of dilute bleach (5ml to 1/2L) as per one of Ray's old posts last night because I can't seem to get Physan20 in Canada. I hope that I didn't hurt my baby. But I'm very excited! New roots!!!!!

thanks for all the help and tips guys