Hi everyone,
I have two questions, please:
1. I bought this Den about a mo. or so ago (in bloom, by the way...I broke the spike off by mistake)

After I brought it home, cleaned the roots, etc., I mounted it. Since then, it has begun to grow new, fat roots. I've now decided that I don't like the mount, afterall, and would like to pot it in SH.....a woman's perogative, by the way :biggrin My question is which of the two pots would you suggest I use for this....small or larger ?? The plant is quite large, so I'm already prepared to support it in some way and also most likely sit the SH pot in a larger clay one for more support.
subject change:
2. I'm wondering what you experienced growers do when you have a potted plant whose roots start growing out of the holes in the bottom of the pot. ?? When this has happened to me in the past, it seems that many times the tip turns brown and dies when it hits a foreign surface (bottom of the pot). On the other hand, some roots just grow round and round the bottom of the pot, of course. In the past, I have tried to prevent the ends from dieing by punching hanging-holes in the plant's plastic pot, but since this little root is just starting to emerge through the hole, I thought it might be easier to transfer the plant before it grows further embedded, if this is what you suggest. My orchids in hanging baskets seem to do fine when this happens...the roots grow on top of each other, over, under, around and wherever they choose. No problem. (In fact, I love to watch the roots grow)
As always, I would appreciate your advice,