I purchased my first S/H "kit" from firstray.com and did up two of my smaller Phals this morning.
I have ONLY about 6-7 Phals as I tend to have issues with the roots...I love them to death

Catts are more forgiving for me and I have several dozen of those that are happy.
Anywho! I prepared the media overnight as instructed and trimmed up the two plants that were in 3-4 inch pots and got to business.
I thought the media was just great to work with. I had to do very little to get the nooks and crevices of the root systems filled. The little pebble shaped material rolled in very nicely.

And if I wasn't happy with how the plant sat after I was done, it was a piece of cake to just dump and re-do!
Any tips from here?
If the plants do well, I'll be converting my whole collection and Ray can finally take that trip to Bermuda or wherever