Originally Posted by expressmailtome
If the roots are good is it alright to transplant it into the s/h pot while it is in bloom?
Some say you should wait as it may cause the blooms may fall off. Others say if the plant is potted poorly it's best to repot even if it's blooming.
I often repot when blooming and have never had any trouble.
Re: S/H - Keep in the mind the term S/H refers to a growing/watering technique. (See
The time to convert to that is when the plant is actively growing new roots. Yours may be doing that now but it will more likely be after the bloom is finished. Check at the base of the plant and see if there's anything going.
You can still repot using the S/H growing medium called LECA. It is sold as Prime Agra, Hydroton and othes. I use it in place of bark and it seems to work quite well until I can start the S/H program.