I really have no idea what im doing.
Is a lil repti foggger watering the plants or just adding humidity?
Could you guys tell me if this set up i have is going to work?
Luckly i live close to an Orchid farm, so stuff is accessable.
SO. I seem to have some water hungy Orchids. I have 3 MTSSA intergenitic hybrids, a Paph, and Yamamota Dendrobium.
I have set them up in a plastic planter. Its 8" tall. I have layed 3 peices of broken tile @ the bottom, all set at a slight angle. this is to set the plants on a level surface, and to provide drainage from excess moinsture.
I have maybe 2 handfuls of spounge rock and charcole spread across the tiles between the plants to help maintain humidity, but not trap too much moisture.
So all my plants sit in this lil setup, and the top edge of the planter is approz 2-3" higher than the top of the lil pots.
I have been spraying the exposed (like shooting off into nowhere) roots and the pots once every 3-5 days, but honestly, i think they may want a lil more?
But my real question is about Humidity and this REPTI-FOGGER i got.
I live @ 6200 feet in dry Colorado. Humidity is like <30% most of the time.
So i got this repti fogger, and a lil fan to keep the humidity up inside the 8" tall space in the planter.
HOWEVER, now I am all freaked out about the mist/fog and the insuing condinsation "Overwatering" the plants.
I mean if i keep it on low it keeps humidity between 60%-80%, but water condensates on the tiles, outsides of the planters etc, but not on the leaves.
If its off, humidity falls to 30%
should i riun the fogger on and off? all morning? at all?