I never grow anything in s/h, my weather conditions are too humidy, and my orchids are (almost all) outdoors; for blooming reasons, Stanhopeas and Gongoras demand hanged baskets (the spikes, mainly in Stanhopeas, go direct downwards penetrating the media, and only when they go out through bottom/sides of baskets the flowers will open). You can use wooden (my preference), plastic or wire baskets, filled with non-compacted media (I use tree-fern fiber in the bottom of baskets, than an ad-mixture of pinus bark, coconut fiber, carcoal, tree-fern fiber and/or a little bit of sphagnum and cover the top with pure tree-fern fiber again - the mix in the middle is just to save tree-fern fiber, now forbidden in Brazil). I think Trigonidium needs to be mounted. About the remaining plants I don't have any tip, I think s/h works better in Cattleya-alliance hybrids and Phals, but in this board are people that grows almost everything in s/h and have good results, I bet they will help you!