I have a Den.Nirapon,nobile type;. Den.Niraporn Tomoflake x Den. Sammy Redsnow; a Den. Phalaenopsis in SH. Should I be not giving them any water this time of year? I also have 2 compots, Den Aphyllum; and Den. Signaturn. How do I treat them ?
Last edited by jowben1; 11-30-2009 at 08:35 PM..
Reason: typos
There aren't any adjustments to plants in s/h during winter except the withholding of fertlizers. Wish I had the link to show you but unfortunately I don't....was on Ray's website in the forums section. The results of s/h on typically winter-rest orchids produces some of the best blooming I've ever seen, tho I'm not a fan of s/h.