Mini dendrobium in S/H? When to repot?
Hi everyone - I've learned so much from this forum. I've converted almost all my orchids to s/h following Ray's detailed instructions (thank you so much Ray - it makes so much sense!) Have had much success, lost 2 I think, but they were on the way out already, needed to be repotted immediately as we were going away for several weeks - long story. I have a "dendrobium delicatum" a teeny-tiny plant in a very small pot 2" maybe? It hasn't bloomed and I've had it likely 3 years. Does leaf etc, and the roots are in one (small) mass in whatever bark it arrived in. I'd like to switch it over as well but wonder if Nov in the Vancouver Island area area is the time or should I wait until spring? It is dark and dreary here and not a lot of natural light in our house most days. I know that dens don't want fertilizer in the dark months, but what about repotting in s/h? And would I need to trim these little roots back as well? I would soak the plant in KLN overnight first but would hate to compromise it without ever having seen a flower (supposedly yellow) Thanks for any help!