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Old 10-18-2009, 04:17 PM
stefpix stefpix is offline
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Trying an experiment Male

Actually I have a phal bastianii and a p equestris in clay pots in a tray they share with a phal hybrid in S/H. I have to say that seems the clay pots even if raised a bit from the water tray but sitting on a wood soap holder that is wet they still wick some humidity up. It seems that actually humidity and slight moist clay pots are good for the phals. seem to make them grow faster with more turgid leaves
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Old 11-02-2009, 10:01 PM
Connie Star Connie Star is offline
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This is really helpful. I've got 2 plants in S/H, a phal and a paph. I'm brand new to orchids. I find it hard to evaluate the roots, so the pictures you have are a good comparison.
Are you using well, tap, ro or rainwater? I think my well water may be too hard for the S/H as there is a white crystalline substance on the pebbles.
I look forward to more pictures
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Old 11-03-2009, 10:08 AM
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► You should not allow multiple plants to share a tray of water. it's the ideal way to spread plant pathogens.

► Be careful of clay pot s/h, particularly for phals and other plants that like to be very warm: As the drier winter months approach, the added evaporation of the clay pot surface will significantly increase the evaporative cooling, so if you're not prepared for that (humidifiers, warmer thermostat setting, under-tray heat), the root zone can be too cold for the plants.

► Connie: How recently did you move the plants into S/H, and did you thoroughly clean the medium before use? Sometimes manufacturing residues can be brought out by evaporation, and it appears as a crystalline deposit on the top of the pellets. (Heavy watering for a couple of weeks will take care of it.)
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!

Last edited by Ray; 11-03-2009 at 10:11 AM..
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Old 11-04-2009, 10:50 AM
Connie Star Connie Star is offline
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Hi Ray, I've put up some pictures of the plants in S/H. I just have two. I've been flushing with distilled H2O before the S/H fertilizer.
I think I may buy 2 identical plants and 1 in S/H 1 in orchid potting mix.
I measured my well water and the hardness is 250, which is the second highest on the test kit scale.
I really appreciate your help. Here's the link.
By the way, the paph I ordered from you arrived in good shape. I'm letting it recover from the trip and may put it in S/H.
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Old 12-05-2009, 10:16 AM
bonginator bonginator is offline
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Trying an experiment
Default Updated photo of Experiment Plants - Beginning of December '09

Hi everyone. It has now been a little over 3 months since the plant experiment started with my 2 phals - one in clay pot and traditional soil and one in s/h.

Attached are some updated photos of the two plans - both receiving the same water regimen - tap water with Ray's Liquid orchid fertilizer. Initially I used the KLN Rooting stimulator but stopped that about month and a half ago.

Both plants seem to be doing well but it is interesting that the clay pot/soil plant seems to be doing better with new leaf growth. Both plants sprouted a new center leaf about the same time but the s/h new leaf growth has been slower than the clay new leaf growth. I am watching with interest to see which one spikes first!

BTW, the watering on the two plants has been slightly different as the s/h material dries out more quickly so the s/h plant has been getting water 2-3 times a week and the clay pot just 1 time a week based on need.

The leaves on the s/h plant do seem a bit dryer than the other even though it has been getting more regular watering.. I do live in a very dry climate here in the rocky mtns.

Anyway, here are the latest experiment pictures...
Attached Thumbnails
Trying an experiment-dsc_0107-jpg   Trying an experiment-dsc_0109-jpg   Trying an experiment-dsc_0106-jpg  
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Old 12-06-2009, 10:41 AM
flyfishdoc flyfishdoc is offline

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I'll play a little devil's advocate here. I am a fan of s/h (making my disclaimer)

You can play with statistics and numbers until you get the results you want. Not that you have, but 2 plants is not a valid experiment, altho I certainly admire your attempt. What if the one in s/h was the weaker plant to begin with?

From my experience now at 4 months, I have a mix of phal responses. I lost one plant, tho I am not convinced it was due to the change. I have some that have thrived and have huge leaves now, and some that have not seemed to change at all (my "huge" experience with 6, now 5 phals)

I would bet that in a year from now the differences will be negligible as the phal in s/h adapts, then goes wild!!!

Keep up the updates. I find it fascinating since I did not keep any in regular media to compare.
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Old 12-06-2009, 11:29 AM
Captainjohn Captainjohn is offline
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Plus, the phal in the clay pot appears to be wicking water out of the humidity tray up the pot perimeter.

Water will wick and transfer through clay pot walls just as it does through clay prima agra. In effect, both plants are in S/H.

Since the clay pot is drawing from the larger reservois, it dries out less frequently.
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Old 12-06-2009, 01:21 PM
corina corina is offline

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I am a newbie in this s/h growing but i have 25 phals in sh now, the longer one has 4 months.
I think you cannot conduct a real experiment with two plants as you said.Only if you take them for flask to s/h.
One of your phals has to addpat to a new growing medium , as it is a new thing for it, has to make new roots adapted for s/h, compeltely new,while the other has the medium that it is used to, old roots and all..So the s/h phal has a time for adjutemnet, while the other is growing on as before the experiment.
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Old 12-06-2009, 02:28 PM
bonginator bonginator is offline
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Valid points everyone and the input is much appreciated.

I am going to continue with the "experiment" for the long term just to see how the two plants do even though there are the variances that you've pointed out in treatment/environment.

These plants have languished for so long that I am very pleased that both now seem to be progressing and improving at varying rates. It is fun to compare the progress though I probably won't submit my results to the science fair!...
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Old 12-06-2009, 03:07 PM
corina corina is offline

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Trying an experiment

Maybe they like the pampering they get now, as subject of your experiment.
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