masdevallia schroederiana S/H
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Old 02-27-2007, 04:58 PM
armin armin is offline

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Default masdevallia schroederiana S/H

I did it...
I'm planning it for a long time... now I truly did it....
So I took my old masdevallia schroederiana (from her Chilean Moss I guess) and repoted it in semi-hydroponics media.
I was looking for s/h products in London, Ontario was a fail... no s/h pots, no s/h knowledge in stores....
I found only Hydroton, I pre-soaked it 24 hours and than I just used some root the picture is the only one I could get....
Now, You can see in the picture my Phals (yesterday they bloomed) and Lycaste Skinnery, they bloomed 3 days ago and the other 2 phals are in spike.
But, my concern is the s/h masdevallia schroederiana... I made the pot myself (it's a food container from 1$ store)... it has 2 holes and a reservoir on the bottom... is this correct or I should adjust something? I didn't feed the orchid because I think is better to wait at least 1 week till feeding it... what do you guys think about it?
I appreciate any comments... thanks....
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masdevallia schroederiana S/H-dsc07171-jpg   masdevallia schroederiana S/H-dsc07172-jpg  
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Old 02-27-2007, 09:45 PM
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Tindomul Tindomul is offline

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I believe you have done well! Masdies like their humidity and cool temps, so keep it out of the sun, and keep that reservoir from getting too dry.
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"

Goblin Market
by Christina Georgina Rossetti
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Old 04-03-2007, 06:10 AM
daemondamian daemondamian is offline
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Originally Posted by armin View Post
I did it...
I'm planning it for a long time... now I truly did it....
So I took my old masdevallia schroederiana (from her Chilean Moss I guess) and repoted it in semi-hydroponics media.
I was looking for s/h products in London, Ontario was a fail... no s/h pots, no s/h knowledge in stores....
I found only Hydroton, I pre-soaked it 24 hours and than I just used some root the picture is the only one I could get....
Now, You can see in the picture my Phals (yesterday they bloomed) and Lycaste Skinnery, they bloomed 3 days ago and the other 2 phals are in spike.
But, my concern is the s/h masdevallia schroederiana... I made the pot myself (it's a food container from 1$ store)... it has 2 holes and a reservoir on the bottom... is this correct or I should adjust something? I didn't feed the orchid because I think is better to wait at least 1 week till feeding it... what do you guys think about it?
I appreciate any comments... thanks....
Hi Armin,
I use hydroton for semi-hydro too as it is available locally. I hate how if you knock a pot over with it in it the balls go everywhere but I have been using it by itself for many plants, some in semi-hydro and also
as part of a bark mix.

It wicks very well.

As to Masdevallia's in semi-hydro in hydroton in particular I would say it can be a very good way to grow them, with some careful tweaking, attention needed.

I struggled with Masdevallias in sphag and other assorted mixes- they were slowly getting worse and eventually I decided to repot them all into hydroton and I moved them inside to keep them cooler with more humidity.

They are in my standard translucent pots with side slits and bottom dome and drainage, sitting in containers of water- in a 3ft fishtank with a fan and 75 watts of fluroescent lighting.

The good is: the hydroton wicks up the water giving the roots a constant moist atmosphere but not wet and you can water it the semi-hydro way as opposed to the "has the mix dried out enough yet?" way which I hate.

The bad is: well I don't think the plants in my tank have enough room, or adequate light and despite having 80-99% humidity levels and a big computer fan circulating air, while they are growing new shoots and roots there has also been some leaf dieback.

With plants that were in moss already that I couldn't get off the root ball, the moss is staying too moist.

I'm moving them out to my temporary Winter GH [a little lean to/attached garden shed] where they won't be enclosed in such a small space and hopefully the better air circulation, natural light and overall atmosphere will allow them to grow much better.

I also have a Dracula vampira in hydroton in a container of water too- but in a net pot, and another D. vampira mounted on a terracotta tile sitting in a container of water..

I'm keen to try out mounting more orchids on things that slowly absorb water and give off moisture- like terracotta pipes etc.

Yikes long post - sorry!
Attached Thumbnails
masdevallia schroederiana S/H-3ft-orchid-tank-jpg  

Last edited by daemondamian; 04-03-2007 at 06:20 AM.. Reason: Crapp spelling of course! lol.
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Old 04-03-2007, 10:04 AM
armin armin is offline

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I like the way you did it... but, did you get any blooms until now?
I don't have a fan for my orchids and it's perfect, I got some blooms recently. I placed my flowers on a window side where is plenty of air circulation and all pots are mounted in plastic trays filled with hydroton, some of the pots are sitting on the hydroton and some in the hydroton...
You don't have to worry about some leavs droping dead as new growths appear and they thrive. That's the way it works... If you have a fluorescent light at 3 ft above de Massies, isn't that to hot for them? Even with a fan...?
Let me know about the changes you are making...
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Old 04-03-2007, 10:36 AM
daemondamian daemondamian is offline
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Originally Posted by armin View Post
I like the way you did it... but, did you get any blooms until now?
I don't have a fan for my orchids and it's perfect, I got some blooms recently. I placed my flowers on a window side where is plenty of air circulation and all pots are mounted in plastic trays filled with hydroton, some of the pots are sitting on the hydroton and some in the hydroton...
You don't have to worry about some leavs droping dead as new growths appear and they thrive. That's the way it works... If you have a fluorescent light at 3 ft above de Massies, isn't that to hot for them? Even with a fan...?
Let me know about the changes you are making...
I had a few blooms from the very most vigourous plants before I put them in there and then 1 has rebloomed for me since but only 1 flower.

I also have a Stelis porschiana mounted on treefern sitting in water in the same tank and it is blooming now.

The temperature is usually around 25 degrees celcius- it has gotten hotter on hot days up to 30 but better than outside where it has been 33- 44!

I am thinking of maybe mounting the masd. on tree fern panels and sitting them in water... you can get plastic rain gutters here with end caps that can glued on which you could sit many masdevallias- could probably do it with them sitting on/in hydroton in the gutters as well.

And I can could hang several gutters up against a wall- like a hanging garden of babylon so to speak.

Actually I have some paphs in hydroton sitting in a tray of hydroton that has a little bit of water in it so it's always moist- that could be very good for my masd.

I will let you know when I move them from there and what I end up doing with them.. did I say I wanted to make the fishtank into a vertical vivarium?

So many ideas and things to do
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Old 04-16-2007, 07:40 PM
rallygirl rallygirl is offline

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this is a great thread!

i have a mas. schrod that is puny but probably needs to be repotted. i am planning on using s/h because i overwater my phal in moss - can't resist fussing over my plants.

it will be interesting to see how it does because it is really small and unhappy; it's probably never flowered. i have a stelis gemma that is in worse shape and i think i will s/h it too... i figure i might as well jump in headfirst because i have other plants that i don't think will work with this method (stanhopea/gongora) so i will get to practice with more traditional methods on them.
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Old 04-16-2007, 10:32 PM
armin armin is offline

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Oh guys... I am just about to switch on s/h.... I did it with my Massies and is super growths everywhere, Cathleya is about to bloom after only 2 mo in s/h and Winter Wonderland...the same... I just divided my Zygopetalum and after I divided I repoted directly in s/h... after 3 weeks new growths... I'll post some pictures...I'm so excited... and I'm using Hydroton... and yes it has the same problem like the new-extraordinary Prime-Agra... because of capillarity power a tiny layer of white sediment grows on the spheres...(with Hydroton you don't have to spend so much...I'm talking about Canadian people...) and fertilizer... Dyna-Gro-Orchid Pro, urea free formula...
And my plants are on an unshaded east-south window-side.
Daemon keep me up to date....
Rallygirl... my friend who's addicted to stanhopea was not so pleased with s/h... try with just one small plant first...if something is going wrong change the position of the plant and if is a disaster... don't try it again...
My Lycaste Sk. was about dying in sphagnum moss..or something like that... and I transferred it in s/h... I cut every single leaf and now I have new growths....
Well... I'm curious about your experiments guys...
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Old 04-17-2007, 01:24 AM
rallygirl rallygirl is offline

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doh! i wish i had been a bit more thorough in my research... guess there is a canadian source for s/h! i was a bit rash and ordered from the states.. the shipping fees will probably break me...
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Old 04-17-2007, 02:44 AM
smartie2000 smartie2000 is offline
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Originally Posted by rallygirl View Post
doh! i wish i had been a bit more thorough in my research... guess there is a canadian source for s/h! i was a bit rash and ordered from the states.. the shipping fees will probably break me...

who is the canadian vendor for S/H? ...where can I get it up here? I don't want to send a order from the states
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Old 04-17-2007, 08:29 AM
Ironwood Ironwood is offline
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masdevallia schroederiana S/H Male

smartie try this place.
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