I was wondering if the conversion to S/H would be easier for a plant the was growing in sphag then say bark?
I have a few phal's that are growing in sphag and the roots are big, fat and white, would these transition to S/H easier?
Yep. In fact, there may be no "transition" whatsoever, especially if it's been a while since they were repotted, and the moss is starting to compress a bit, which stifles the air flow at the root system.
Thanks Ray,
These are spieces Phal's that were purchased in sphag and I don't want to lose them, as I'm not very good with sphag. I want to mirror their conditions as best as I can but still get them out of the sphag.
Yep sphag is the closest thing to S/H because it's the wettest. But whenever the roots are big, fat, green or white, then they'll probably transition fine to S/H.
If i sell a Phal that's been growing in S/H, i repot it into sphag and the transition works fine that way too.