I bought a while ago (because I plan repotting my Phal in S/H after the bloom) an hydro pot (Leni) and a regular outer pot.
If I understand the usual semi-hydro system, you just need to maintain the water at the right level, the rest is done through wicking. In the case of orchids (is it the same with other plants?) you have to empty the outer pot (or the saucer) before watering to maintain a precise composition of the water in the tank.
Ray's system uses holes to flush the "old" water out of the tank and replace it with fresh one, which is imo easier (I love easy). The pots are also transparent
So I plan to drill two holes in the outer pot, 1" above the bottom and use it as a tank, the hydro I bought will contain the medium (and the orchid, of course
). Are ther some special types of drills I should use for that? (The outer pot seems to be made of glazed terracotta or something similar). Also should I do that under water (like for glass?)
Is the fact that it is opaque will have an impact on the growth of the orchid?
(sorry for using terms that are not really appropriate but I hope you get the meaning