I found these at an Local IKEA store they are suppose to be for kitchenware but you know I thought heck a little work and they can become s/h pots and hangers.
the pots are .99 cents ea. and the hanging rods I think were 2.98 ea. I silaconed the holes in the bottom up and drill my holes on the hanger side 1/1/2 up since they hang on a slight angle. The bottom board is to level the pots each application would be different. I staggered the pots so the runoff from the pot above musses the next pot down. This really adds a lot of space in case you might find another homeless Orchid that you just have to adopt.
I also cut the hanger off several pots and now they are 99 cent heavy duty S/H pots.
You'll note the vertical "hardware cloth" mesh behind Bob's setup. I just drilled holes in the lips of the standard S/H pots, then slipped an "S-hook" through the hole and hooked it onto the mesh.
Following-up on that earlier post, at one time, I employed a zig-zag "fence" down the middle of the GH to accommodate the zillions of mini-pots I had. All of the pots were suspended with the S-hooks I mentioned, on a free-standing structure like this:Plant Rack