I'm new to orchids, but have learned quite a lot from the Orchid Board. Thanks to everyone and the advice they have given me!
I would like to try Semi-Hydroponic culture, but really don't know where to start

. I have recently re-potted all my orchids, but one, in an orchid bark mix. Two of them were in bloom and are opening buds they had before purchase. I'm surprised they didn't drop them!

Anyway, I know that I will have to wait some time before potting again, so as not to stress them. This should give me time to do some research and get some AWESOME advice from you guys on the OB!
I took a look at Ray's site and will probably get my stuff from there. By the way, GREAT site Ray!!
I really don't know how long I need to wait to do this.

I'm hoping for a keiki from a phalaenopsis that has had some trouble since I got my claws on it

. I may start with that, should I get a keiki, in a couple of months, maybe. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone!!