I purchased some epiweb from Ray, I have a epiweb basket filled with the epiweb chunks that I have a Laelia reginea potted in. It seems to really love it and I water it daily or every other day as if it were mounted. I also have a Lc. Schilleriana mounted on a slab of epiweb. I didn't want to use the moss on it, so I used coco husk fiber as a pad instead. All seemed to be going well, but recently I started having problems with a mold/fungus growing on it and the roots. I am sure it is a problem with my growing conditions, so I took the coco husk fiber off and haven't had any problems since. I think the coco husk fiber was a small amount of moisture against the epiweb (oh and I have two layers of epiweb put together) so I think that small amount of moister and possibly the need for more air movement was causing the problems. The roots really seem to dig into the epiweb. But once the roots are in, there is no getting them back out, just something to keep in mind. Give it a try, I think you will like it!