Hi everyone,
I have already posted these questions in the Beginner Discussion forum by mistake, so this is a "re-type".
I was reading some older posts last night mainly hoping to run across some comments concerning algae growth and indeed found several including one from Ray that I have read before more than once, I believe on his site ?? I have a few orchids potted using S/H culture that have developed algae formation and I'm still a little confused as to what I should do about it if anything at this point (

attached). I have neglected/somewhat overlooked prevention so now I need your help, please. I have seen photos online of lots of S/H plants with good roots systems in algae, and I haven't really thought mine was anything to be concerned about especially since Ray said that removing the algae was basically for asthetic purposes (and I apologize to him if I am misquoting what he said). Anyway, I saw as I was browsing some plants (especially one) with algae growth in the bottom of the pot, and read a concern that the rather large accumulation may possibly be stopping up the drain holes. I've never thought about that, so my questions to you are: I understand that a prevention method at this point could be possibly more harmful than helpful, and that the best thing to do would be to unpot an algae plant, remove the algae, "disinfect" the PrimeAgra and repot (did I understand correctly?) I've never re-used PrimeAgra before, so this "disinfecting for re-use" procedure would be new to me.
One more question concerning prevention, how often do you suggest that I do drench my S/H plants, and which is best to use....bleach or Physan 20?
I would appreciate any thoughts, suggestions/advice, construcive criticism you may have.
Thank you in advance,