I´d like to make a little update, since there have been a few changes with my father´s orchids.
The Phal. is growing new roots like crazy, and is looking healthier than ever

It´s really enjoying S/H.
The Onc. now has two new groths! and two tiny new roots. This plant has really strugled because it was reduced to two bulbs and no roots at all, but i think it will make it.
The Dend. sent a new keiki, which is growing very strong. I hope this one i´ll be able to mount when it´s ready. It also has three tiny keikis (i originally thought they were basal growths, but they are keikis on a very short cane) that i hope will send their roots directly into the LECA.
About the two new orchids i bought for myself: The Phal. is growing a new leaf and is looking quite good. The Phap. though is doing nothing at all, and i saw some mold on it´s roots, so i´m treating it. I´d really like the Paph. to make it, i´m so damn curious what the flowers will look like that if it dies and i´m left with the curiosity i´ll go crazy haha.
That´s all

Sorry for the boring post, i just felt like updating xD