OK an update on my results with deflasking straight to S/H...
First off, in general, its fine and they love it.
I've had violacea-based hybrids go into straight perlite grown S/H, and they're doing very well, although i do have them sitting on a shelf setup with fluorescent lights close by, and the temperature stays at about 25 degs during the day and 21 at night. So the heat might be helping.
The LECA works, but the smaller flaskling definitely prefer perlite, as the LECA is too big for their small root systems. The LECA works well for larger seedlings though.
Also, i found a layer of medium-coarse pebbles on top of the perlite keeps the leaves off the moist perlite surface, keeping the leaves and crown area dryer and less prone to mould. It also stops light getting to the perlite and causing algae.
So all in all, good results going straight from flask to S/H, and the perlite works well for tiny seedlings.