I've been wanting to try S/H, so I thought my phal would be a good candidate. I rescued it from root rot, so not only were there new roots growing, but the old roots were used to being wet. It's been two weeks, and I'm noticing the new roots look fine, but the old ones are looking like they're going downhill a little. Should I just leave it alone and let it acclimate?
Mothra when transferring 'chids to s/h you will inevitably lose some of the old roots that are not tailored to the s/h environment, if I'm not mistaking, I thought I saw new roots branching from one of the old ones. that's good
I wouldn't sweat it too much and would definitely take snow's advice on drier conditions for a while.
the old roots will eventually darken but nonetheless its just the normal process of adapting/dying and being replaced by new roots that are adapted to the new system. i grow majority of my plants that method. keeping it a tad drier will promote root growth but the old roots will continue to blacken anyways.