I have a phrag wallisi that has been pretty perky since I placed it in a saucer with water. I want to put it in s/h, however, I did not do so well last time because I did not wait for my oncidium to get new roots and it is now struggling. I don't think my phrag will need to wait because it is used to this wet-ness. What do you all think>? I am in the process.... should I do it?
I have mine in a saucer with water as well and it loves it. Ramon (kavanaru) has some of his phrags in s/h if I remember correctly and he recommended it to me....perhaps he will have some advice for you! I haven't made the switch yet although I have several other 'chids in s/h doing well!
Ray....if the old roots have active root tips and are growing, will they adapt pretty well or will they die off like other orchids going into the new s/h and only the new roots adapt? I am not sure how to tell if there is new roots growing unless I unpot it to check it out, so that is why I have not made the change. I can see the old roots with the active roots tips because I have it in a clear pot and the old roots are growing along the side of the pot.