I have been growing orchids in water culture for more than five years after reading about the method in the old Vengers website mostly to provide intensive care to near-dead orchids or to clean up systemic infection.
My experience has been similar to their report that Phals will grow in this way but most likely prefer other methods long-term (S/H for me) Same goes for Neo falcata, Catts with heavy walkeriana heritage, Brassavola,Oncid hybrids with heavy onostum, flexuosum and other fibrous or climbing rhizomed types in their heritage that developed better roots after I transfered them into "Ray's Rocks" whether S/H or just plain lecca watered by the trial error method.
On the other hand, certain orchids actually grew and bloomed very much faster this way such as Sharry Baby( I have had 4 foot very fat spikes on one of mine in a vase and they lasted much longer), Hawaera, Leptotes bicolor, Rodriguezia venusta, even some Laelocattleas, Richard Mueller Hybrids, and some Potina as you see in the picture. I have more water culture successes in my gallery.
However, S/H requires much less attention such as not having to keep all the roots covered with solution in water culture most of the time which may require almost daily attention.