Scott, if you could see what almost every one of my 'chids looks like with roots, growths and spikes, you wouldn't hesitate...just do it. You'll be very happy you did.
I have an area that is more shaded from the bright Florida sun and the 'chids in that area sit on lattice above the humidity trays, so there is never a time when they sit in water. On the other hand, the plants that like more sun sit on rocks IN the humidity trays rather than aboe them. There is usually enough water in the bottom for the bottom of the pots to be soaked. These plants have been out there in major rainstorms where the trays totally fill up, meaning the plants have the bottom third sitting in the water until I get there to empty them some. Every plant, in both areas, are doing wonderfully!
Quick pics just to show the setup:
The first picture shows one of the shelves in the shaded area with plants sitting ABOVE trays
Next is Phaiocalanthe Kryptonite 'Chariots of Fire' sitting IN a pot saucer full of water (gotta fix that black stuff!)
Then, full display with plants ABOVE trays
Then, these are 3 plants from 2 compots (one is BLC Hawaiian Passion Carmela and one is Pot Miya's Radiance Red Beauty (don't know which are which

), about 1 1/2 yrs out of compot.
Next, you'll see 2 small green pots with seedlings...these are from the same compots but were grown together in a large pot until recently. Now, they're growing too!
The last pic is the "middle" group from those same compots!!!