Hm... i got a bit confused by your post... I fertilize once a week, i let the pot stand in water with fertilizer about ten to fiftheen minutes, and let it drip of. In the reservoir i use only clear water, exept the small amunt that may drip of the leca into the reservoir after the fertilizing-bath.
Though im just a newbee, and i havent got the clue about fertilizing, exept that it is about feeding my chids, they still seem to be a very happy bunch!
I have 15 phals, one Oncidium/Cambria-mix/whatever and one Dendrobium i just got... and now i have one phal in bloom, second time this year, tree other phals with spikes, alsow second time, exept one that was a rescue, and the Oncidium/Cambria-mix/whatever has a spike as well
The others have all gotten severel new leafs and are growing roots like crazy...
I dont know anything about fertilizing, but they seem to like my way anyhow.