I repotted a Dend. into S/H five days ago, it was still in bloom, but had some fine new roots growing to. I repotted it, becourse the bark it was in, was pretty wet. I had to trim off some rotted roots, too.
Now it has two yellowing leafs, from two seperate bulbs, the bottom leafs. And the blooms have started to wilt, foure have already wiltered. It has three bulbs, all with different number of leafs, and its the two smallest that seems to be struggeling. The biggest one is the one that is blooming, but theres is no yellowing leafs on this on at the time...
I know it will need some time to adapt, and that Dends. also can need a bit more time than f.i. Phals.
But is there anything i can do, exept be patience?
Should i cut the flower-steem? Take her out of the light? She currently outside during the day, and inside at night, and theres a lot of bright light in the daytime. Temp is around 80-90 F. and she under a shade.
The new roots seems fine, and i personally belive that this change is due to the repot, and that a had to cut some rotten roots. The Dend. may be a bit shocked at the time.
But i have no experiense with Dends. and need some reasurance...