Ive repotted phals into S/H both in bloom and with spike, and they doesent seem to be bothered by the transfer at all...
But, ive also repotted a cambria-mix, with no spike or flowers, but with good root-growing, and it did struggle a bit. I placed it outside, and that seemed to be the tric with this one! The two psevdobulbs that it was growing before the swithc to S/H perked right up, and looks better now than all the others, and the roots are growing like crazy after i put it outside
I belive the "secret" about transferring into S/H, is the conditions your chids are used to
before the repot....
Mine where used to pretty wet medium, as i am a heavy waterer...

Therefor this was a repot into something better for my chids, the same wet medium, but better air to the roots! The Cambria was used to dryer conditions, and i belive thats why it was struggeling in the beginning.